Ms. Ann Marie Perone-Founder of Body Rocks

Ms. Ann Marie Perone-Founder of Body Rocks
Ms. Perone & her daughter Emilee
My photo
The Purpose of the BODY ROCKS Program is to promote positive body image and eating disorders awareness in our schools and communities. BODY ROCKS is a peer education group devoted to promoting positive body image and eating disorders awareness in our schools and community.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

No more dressing room meltdowns?

The average woman tries on 15 pairs of jeans before buying one pair, according to Women's Day magazine.

We know sizing can be inconsistent from brand to brand—one clothing company’s size six may be another’s size ten.  We wait for a dressing room and many times try on several items. We order multiple sizes online only to send back the styles that don’t fit.That's a lot of self-torture in the dressing room. Ugh....

There's a new kiosk on the market that promises to make shopping a more pleasant experience for both retailers and consumers by matching shoppers' bodies with the perfect fit and style of clothing.

 My best fit is the NEW  Full body scans.

 How it works: Shoppers step into a circular booth, where a rotating wand emits low-power radio waves that record about 200,000 body measurements. Users leave with a printout matching their measurements to clothes from Banana Republic, American Eagle, J. Brand, Talbots, and more. MyBestFit kiosks are currently available in Pennsylvania’s King of Prussiamall, and the company plans to roll out 13 more stations along the east coast and California this year.

No more dressing room meltdowns!
What do you think about that? 
Best of all, you MAY leave feeling good about yourself. 
Remember, the size of your jeans is just a NUMBER!

New Eating Disorders: Orthorexia

Respected publications like JAMA and Psychology Today are recognizing another new eating disorder ORTHOREXIA, an obsession with healthy eating. Orthorexia was first identified in 1997 by Colorado physician Steven Bratman, MD. Orthorexia is Latin for “correct eating.”  The focus isn’t on losing weight. Instead, sufferers increasingly restrict their diets to foods they consider pure, natural and healthful. Some researchers say that orthorexia may combine a touch of obsessive compulsive disorder with anxiety and warn that severely limited “healthy” diets may be a stepping stone to anorexia nervosa, the most severe - and potentially life-threatening - eating disorder. Neither adult picky eating disorder nor orthorexia is included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), the American Psychiatric Association’s “bible” of mental disorders.

Like kids, adult picky eaters limit themselves to an extremely narrow range of foods. Unlike those who suffer from anorexia nervosa or bulimia, adult picky eaters are seemingly not worried about calorie counts or body image. Researchers don’t know if adult picky eaters just haven’t outgrown childhood patterns or if their eating habits are a new twist on OCD.

Adult picky eaters food preferences tend to be bland, white or pale colored - plain pasta or cheese pizza are said to be common foods along with French fries and chicken fingers. Some picky eaters stick to foods with a common texture or taste. Orthorexics start by eliminating processed foods, anything with artificial colorings or flavorings as well as foods that have come into contact with pesticides. Beyond that, orthorexics may also shun caffeine, alcohol, sugar, salt, wheat and dairy foods. Some limit themselves to raw foods.

So as we all walk down the aisle at the grocery store and scrutinize food labels AND try to make healthy choices when we go out to dinner,I found a few apps for the phone. Check them out!

 Fooducate, which has more than 200,000 items in its product database, essentially puts a nutritionist in hand when you’re at the grocery store.

Restaurant Nutrition gives you the scoop on more than 115 restaurants and 19,000 menu items.

      Obesity and our School Nutrition

      Requirements for Local School Wellness Policies passed by Congress in 2004 requires that every school district who participates in the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) school meal program MUST have established a local wellness policy by the start of the 2006–2007 school year. The goal of this addendum is to increase healthy food options and physical activity opportunities at each of the participating schools to help combat rising obesity levels in today’s youth. 
      Under the new act, each school district in the program is required, at a minimum, to take the following steps to design and implement activities that meet the local community’s needs:
      • Set goals for nutrition education, physical activity and other school activities designed to promote student wellness.
      • Create nutrition guidelines for all foods and beverages available during the school day outside of the federal meal program.
      • Provide assurance that guidelines for reimbursable school meals are not less restrictive than current USDA regulations.
      • Establish a way to measure wellness policy implementation, including designating one or more responsible persons at each school.
      • Encourage the involvement of key stakeholders, including parents, students and the public.
       Obesity is growing...
      Nevada was named the 31st most obese state in the country, according to the seventh annual F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America's Future 2010, Trust for America's Health (TFAH) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF).

      Nevada's adult obesity rate is 25.6 percent, and, in Nevada men are more obese than women at 27.7 percent. Now more than two-thirds of states (38) have adult obesity rates above 25 percent.
      The report highlights troubling racial and ethnic disparities in obesity rates. For instance, adult obesity rates for Blacks and Latinos were higher than for Whites in at least 40 states and the District of Columbia. In Nevada, the adult obesity rate was 25.8 percent among Blacks and 28.4 percent among Latinos, compared with 24.8 percent among Whites. Obesity rates among youths ages 10-17 from the 2007 National Survey of Children's Health (NSCH) also were included in the 2009 F as in Fat report; 15.2 percent of children were obese in the state, with the state ranking 23rd out of the 50 states and D.C. for childhood obesity.
      Data collection for the next NSCH will begin in 2011.   

       In Nevada, we have changes our school lunches by the vending machine options. Many school student stores still carry JUNK like Otis Spunkemeyer Cookies, Cor Nuts, Soda, Snickers Marathon Bar and more. We can't sell candy as fundraisers anymore but we can sell cookie dough? Is this really helping? 

      Currently, more than 12 million children and adolescents in the United States are considered obese.

      F as in Fat: How Obesity Threatens America's Future 2010 by Trust for America's Health reports the following information for Nevada:

      • Nevada has set nutritional standards for school lunches, breakfasts, and snacks that are stricter than current United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) requirements. Twenty states and D.C. have set such standards. Five years ago, only four states had legislation requiring stricter standards
      • Nevada has nutritional standards for competitive foods sold in schools on รก la carte lines, in vending machines, in school stores, or through school bake sales. Twenty-eight states and D.C. have nutritional standards for competitive foods. Five years ago, only six states had such standards.
      • Nevada has passed requirements for body mass index (BMI) screenings of children and adolescents or legislation requiring other forms of weight-related assessments in schools. Twenty states have passed such requirements for BMI screenings. Five years ago, only four states had passed screening requirements.
      • Nevada has not passed Complete Streets legislation, which aims to ensure that all users -- pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and transit riders of all ages and abilities -- have safe access to a community's streets. Thirteen states have passed Complete Streets legislation.
      Imagine your child's school lunch healthy. What can we do to help make the changes?

      No more soggy tater tots and rubbery hot dogs.  Imagine a salad bar? Vegetarian options? Local produce? . Many advocates of healthier school food are excited to see that districts must now create at least some kind of nutrition guidelines for all food available at school, although the specifics of those guidelines are left to the individual districts to decide. 

      With childhood obesity and diabetes on the rise, it's clear our kids need healthier eating habits. Establishing these behaviors early in life can lead to healthier eating as an adult. Our school lunches are too high in cholesterol and saturated fat, and too low in dietary fiber, whole grains and vegetables.

      So who is really trying to make a difference? is a great website that will assist you in changing your school lunch program.Take a look at this website and the campaign you can start.

      Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution filled a bus with sugar to show how much of it LAUSD kids get at school just from flavored milk IN JUST 1 WEEK. I WANT REAL MILK — too much sugar is bad for kids' health, but schools can switch sugary flavored milk for plain, wholesome milk — a real simple change for better health.

      TLC 10 rates the Healthiest School Lunch Plans. The number 1 school in the United States is The Ross School, a private school located in the Hamptons, New York. Yes, PRIVATE school. They works with a dieticiankimchi and grilled fish. Vegetarian dishes are available each day, as well as fresh gourmet salads. Students even work with local farmers, learning how to plant seeds, harvest and compost. Most importantly, knowing how to cook is a requirement for graduation. WOW!!!

      ealthy meals and snacks, daily physical activity, and nutrition education. Healthy meals and snacks provide nutrition for growing bodies while modeling healthy eating behavior and attitudes. Increased physical activity reduces health risks and helps weight management. Nutrition education helps young children develop an awareness of good nutrition and healthy eating habits for a lifetime.

      Children can be encouraged to adopt healthy eating behaviors and be physically active when parents:

      * Focus on good health, not a certain weight goal. Teach and model healthy and positive attitudes toward food and physical activity without emphasizing body weight.
      * Focus on the family. Do not set overweight children apart. Involve the whole family and work to gradually change the family's physical activity and eating habits.
      * Establish daily meal and snack times, and eating together as frequently as possible. Make a wide variety of healthful foods available based on the Food Guide Pyramid for Young Children. Determine what food is offered and when, and let the child decide whether and how much to eat.
      * Plan sensible portions. Use the Food Guide Pyramid for Young Children as a guide.

      Help change the future of our children's eating habits, and school food. A great place to start is using the packets from

      Barbie....Remember when

      Growing up, I remember I would beg Santa for the newest Barbie. BUT, I was not like the children growing up in today's society. I never really looked at how thin she was, the color or feel of her hair, her skin tone, her corvette, or Ken. Although I did want a camper and swimming pool like her....Lucky me, I did not grow up wanting to be like Barbie. 

      In 1965,  Barbie came as the Slumber Party Barbie. After hearing about how trashy this doll was, I was interested to see if what everyone had said about this Barbie was true. Indeed it was.
      The doll also came with pink bathroom scales reading 110lb, which would be at least 35lbs underweight for a woman 5 feet 9 inches tall according to the experts. Mattel, Inc., the manufacturer of Barbie was sensitive to these issues and in 1997 Barbie's body mold was redesigned and given a wider waist, with Mattel saying that this would make the doll better suited to contemporary fashion designs.

      In 1992, Teen Talk Barbie was the one to have. This Barbie's Motto: "Math class is tough" did this Barbie evoke a negative image? Mattel explained this controversial Barbie on their website, "Barbie once said, “Math class is hard!” but has since amended her stance to, “Math is hard, but not impossible!” Obviously, or else Barbie wouldn’t have excelled in her science and math classes to later become a surgeon, dentist, baby doctor, zoologist and many other scientific professions".

      In 1995, The first release of Teacher Barbie included a doll wearing a cleverly designed jumper but no underwear. Many people argued that this doll was inappropriate for young children since the doll didn't come with underwear. Really!

      The question remains, is Barbie a healthy body role model for girls who come from actual human genes and not a plastic mold? Dr. Robyn Silverman, a Body Image Expert does a nice write up on her blog  The Truth About Barbie: Galia Slayen’s Life-Size Barbie on The Today Show.

      Galia Slayen created a life-size model of Barbie in order to prove that very point.  Standing at about 6 feet tall, with a 39” bust, 18” waist, and 33” hips, Galia used the stats published in Margo Maine’s book, Body Wars, to construct the details. This was the most amazing thing I have seen a young student do for Eating Disorders Awareness Week.

      The pictures say 1000 words.

      Now days, Barbie is sporting the fishnet stocking with pantyhose. Her breasts are bigger then her head. Her shirt shows cleavage, her skin sports a tan, her legs are defined. Her waist is the size of my wrist. She is Barbie, she has it all.  As a parent do I not allow my daughter to play with Barbie? The answer is NO. I feel as long as my child is confident and has self worth, reality in our home of what really means the most (love, health, family, friends, etc.) she can play with Barbie all she wants. I also take time to correct her and explain to her when she questions Barbie's life. One day she will see Barbie was not real. Life does not come that easy. I continue to educate.

      Wednesday, February 23, 2011

      Looking for Eating Disorders Awareness Ideas?

      Body Rocks promotes the idea of raising awareness. In February every year, NEDA host National Eating Disorders Awareness Week. I am posting this link in hopes all of you will find a way to promote awareness. This year, Body Rocks BREAKS THE SILENCE of Eating Disorders.

      Join me and our community as we raise eating disorders awareness! For ideas see

      A great video found

      Thanks for your support!

      Tuesday, January 4, 2011

      Body Rocks -Project Release Me - January 10, 2011

      Project Release Me
      January 10, 2011 4:30 p.m.
      Valley HS- Las Vegas, Nevada

      This event is sponsored by Body Rocks, a school club that promotes positive body image and self esteem awareness in our schools, and community. The balloon release will allow you to balance out your emotions, release the daily negativity that you come into contact with, and improve your self esteem.

      Our self esteem is a measurement by the way we feel about ourselves. Those who may suffer from low self esteem dislike themselves because of the way they look or because of how they feel. If a person has high self esteem, it doesn’t mean that they are “stuck up” or think they are better than you. High self esteem means that we have a good relationship with who we are, and we love and respect ourselves, despite our flaws. We all go through some very emotional times in life. This is okay! If we don’t resolve or release emotions successfully when we first experience them, they consume our minds and bodies, and cause us to feel stressed, anxious and angry, hurt, and amplify future emotions and stressful situations.

      Join Body Rocks as we start 2011 with new energy and feelings! You must prepay $1.00 prior to the day of the event. Email or contact Ann Marie Perone at 702-461-2483. Hope to see you all there!

      Thursday, December 16, 2010

      Among children younger than 12 with eating disorders, hospitalizations jumped 119 per cent between 1999 and 2006!

      Eating disorders are sending more U.S. children to hospital and pediatricians should be on the lookout for patients suspected of having a problem, according to a new report by the American Academy of Pediatrics, November 29, 2010.

      Among children younger than 12 with eating disorders, hospitalizations jumped 119 per cent between 1999 and 2006, says the clinical report in Monday's edition of the American Academy of Pediatrics. It is estimated 0.5 per cent of adolescent girls in the United States have anorexia nervosa (self-starvation), and one to two per cent meet criteria for bulimia nervosa (binging and purging).
      Dr. David Rosen with the University of Michigan suggests Pediatricians become advocates for legislation and policies that ensure appropriate services for patients with eating disorders, including medical care, nutritional intervention, mental-health treatment and care co-ordination. With the increasing recognition of eating disorders in males, they now make up 10 per cent of all cases. The disorders are increasingly seen in children.

      A 2001 study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that of 1,739 Ontario school girls aged 12 to 18:
      -27% said they engaged in binging or purging.
      -23% said they were dieting.
      -8% reported self-induced vomiting.

      What can doctors do to help? Doctors can help prevent eating disorders by stressing proper nutrition and exercise to avoid an unhealthy focus on weight and dieting, the report's authors said in outlining diagnostic criteria for disordered eating. Doctors and Pediatricians are encouraged to advocate for legislation and policies that ensure appropriate services for patients with eating disorders, including medical care, nutritional intervention, mental-health treatment and care co-ordination.

      Dr. Leora Pinhas, psychiatric director of the eating disorder clinic at Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children has seen kids who are stunted, kids who haven't grown in two years. Many of these kids are ONLY IN 2nd GRADE! They're still the same height they were in kindergarten. And if it's affecting their height, it's affecting everything inside their body, including their brain.

      Ready for this?
      November 29, 2010
      Among children younger than 12 with eating disorders, hospitalizations jumped 119 per cent between 1999 and 2006, says the clinical report in Monday's edition of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

      It is estimated 0.5 per cent of adolescent girls in the United States have anorexia nervosa (self-starvation), and 1-2% meet criteria for bulimia nervosa (binging and purging).

      Now, with this percentage on the rise of the young kids and eating disorders, I think it is time we step back as parents, educators or advocates and realize the importance of awareness. This is why we have Body Rocks.